Monday, March 28, 2011

So, I Owe Chris a Jamba Juice.....

About 1 month ago I was making very bold claim that snow season was over and we would not see another flake until 2012. I mean flowers were blooming, grass is sprouting and turning everything green, everyone started wearing t-shirts and there were even several shorts and sandal sightings (Camper Jim was quoted saying, "Oh looks like it's time for me to put on my short pants, it's sure warming up!")   So I was feeling really good about my claim and welcoming Spring with open arms.

My dear husband however is a bit more reserved about his opinions and claims and rarely doesn't make them until he's given them a good deal of thought and has some hefty back up for it. So we made a bet, if it didn't snow again he would have to buy me a delicious Jamba Juice! But IF, Heaven forbid, it did snow, I would have to fulfill the shameful purchase....

I owe Chris a Jamba Juice. Actually I probably owe him like 12 jamba juices.....

Over a week ago it started to rain pretty hard, then it turned to snow. The snow started to stick and was quickly inches, then feet deep! The snow storm was thick & steady and the snow itself VERY heavy, so that very soon large limbs and whole trees began to fall, taking power lines out with them. Overnight, aprox. 60,000 homes in the mountain area had lost power, some (including camp) wouldn't have power for the next week....
I'll spare the gory details, but it's been a long week, especially for the students who were approaching serious cabin fever around day 4 with no positive news or hope from the Electric companies who were trying to get power back while working out in continuous snowfall and slush.

But crazy and inconvenient as this week has been, it was also a good reminder of just how fortunate & privileged we are. By simply flipping a switch, pushing a button or turning a faucet, our lives are pretty comfortable and easy. Millions of other people can't even turn on hot water, let alone any water at all! Not to mention heat or cool their homes or flip on easy sources of light. (not to mention the endless supply of non-essentials; microwaves, ovens, i-pods, computers, tv's...)

Yes, this week has definitely kept me mindful of these things and made me uncomfortable with just how much Chris and I have, but what do I do with this information? It's a constant question and discomfort, but God is ever teaching new lessons and revealing life truths about this and other areas of life. Such as, slow down and really think through before making silly, quick decisioned bets with your spouse.....  : ]

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