Monday, March 14, 2011

A Really Good Day

While the past 2 years has proved to be one of the more joyful & happy times of my adulthood, primarily as a result from the start of Chris' and my journey together, the past 4-5 months of it have been an exceptionally challenging time. Life went from 100mph, with making the last and final move from my parent's home, planning the wedding, finishing up work with camp in September, moving into the lake house, having the wedding, going on an incredible honeymoon and then, WhAm!  Chris went back to work and I was left with full, long days, mostly alone. A little alone time here and there is ok, but I'm at my best with people around for a good chunk of the day and then re-charge with a very small group or just with one other close person nearby for the other chunk. So needless to say, my spirit really went flat after a few weeks of this.

Oh and job hunting. If you've ever job hunted before you know what a beastly business that is, you learn a lot, but it can drag you down and squish you like an insect. And unless you have some fantastic connections, trying to find a job in the mountain communities in winter is pretty depressing... I have been fortunate to substitute teach here and there and gained a lot of insight and perspective on the educational world and am more enthusiastic and excited to pursue a job in teaching one day. But it's not enough to pay the bills or stay busy for most of the work week. 

All that to say, it's been a very long winter & has left me fairly empty and depressed. But the Lord is faithful and so good, at breaking points He brings comfort and clear reminders that this is only a season. Chris has been my great encouragement & joy, he is so patient when I'm a little witch or crying for the 3rd time in a week....  I love him so incredibly much, I feel like my heart is near bursting at times. 

Wooo. So there's a snapshot into this new phase of life, what a terrific processing time this has been! This whole blog thing may be a really good thing :]   Anyways, about the really good day. It was yesterday. I had received a call from the Plant Nursery in town that they wanted to hire me a few days ago, so I went in and picked up an application and spoke with the owners and I start training hopefully this next week!  I really don't  know what to fully expect but this is what I do know and excites me: 1. I love plants, flowers, trees etc. and I get to be around & learn more about them!  2. I want to meet new people in my town & get more plugged in.  3. There will most likely be fun and interesting stories to tell

You can't find either of these in a nursery, but they're some of my favorites! Aspen trees and Alpine Shooting Stars

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS GREAT NEWS! I love that - I'll call soon to hear all the details. How exciting!

    As for the other 3 paragraphs...Oh Nobes....I just love you. I'm sorry for the discouragement, but proud to call you friend and will think of more ways to fill you up (even being down here so far away).

    And if you ever need a girl's weekend.....! Just sayin'...
