Monday, May 30, 2011

flowers, a new home and more snow * * *

Poor neglected blog.  Thought I was off to strong start there, but I've found that working full time and trying to pack up your house and move into a new one leaves little time for blogging....  but as of 3 weeks ago, Chris and I are officially moved back to camp and settled into the upper house.

We already have a fatty to-do list but are knocking stuff off it with vigor, such as; build coffee table, paint wall and door red, touch up paint, switch awkward bathroom door to other side, put in new duct for bedroom so we actually get a little cool air circulating when July hits, wall stuff up (pictures, posters, hooks..)  and etc. etc. etc....

So it's been fun, I do wish I had just a bit more time each day to work on house stuff though. By the time work is over, I get home or after we go somewhere/hangout with friends, the day is nearly over... I  do love my new job though, the co-workers are wonderful and fun to continue to get to know, there is always something new to learn and I feel more confident talking 'plant' with the customers each day! But whew does 40 hrs. take up a lot of time ;-]

My primary job/goal at the nursery is keeping plants alive and looking their best so customers will actually want to purchase them, rather than squinting down at a small, shriveled nasty-thing and asking "What the heck is this supposed to be??"  That is avoided primarily with the help of this guy:

  The hose wand.

For 4-6 hours a day I'm lugging this guy and 2 Billion pounds of hose around to give every little plant, tree and flower a nice refreshing drink.  It has it's charms and entertainments, but this is most definitely a summer job and not my aspiration in life...

And about the snow, yes, we woke up the morning of May 15 to a nice mushy layer of snow. I definitely just packed away my snow boots and warm layers. Poooooop.

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