Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Where to Begin.....

Alrighty Jenna, here it is. My very 1st blog ever ever.  :-)

Not sure what to write just yet, it will be fun to see how this takes shape and supposedly gets easier to do over time....  Perhaps I'll start by explaining my web address, 'Les Fleurs De Montagne' is French for 'Mountain Flowers'. My sister went to France a couple years ago and brought home a postcard of French Mountain flowers, I love it and always have it out where I can see it each day. The phrase is also nice because I'm 1/4 French (my Granpa Louis is French, his parents immigrated to the US in the 20's) and I LOVE Mountain wildflowers. I hope to be able to identify each and every one in the Sierra Nevada one day.

So that's that. And now I think I'll load a picture and see how that goes.....

This is my backyard! I try hard to never take it for granted or forget just what a magnificent place I'm living at right now!

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