Friday, January 4, 2013

Back in action!

What better time to jump back into the blogging world & give it another go then early January? Who knows? This may last a solid 2 months like most new year resolutions or this could develop into a habit & actually be consistent. We'll see. For now, here are 3 things that make me thankful & bring joy to life:

     My Niece Kylee! Chris and I got to spend some time with her over Thanksgiving and enjoy every moment with this kid. She has more energy and creativity than should actually fit in her little body and definitely keeps us going :-)

  To celebrate the New Year we got to spend time with our close friends Brian, his wonderful girlfriend Morgan, Laurie & Troy! It does not matter what you end up doing with people like this because it is going to end up being awesome and leave you feeling full of contentment. Only wish they lived in the area so we could go on weekly adventures together!

....and then there is Keyra. From her ridiculous sleeping positions to her boundless joy when running free outside, she is always bringing a smile to my face with her quirky personality.