Monday, September 12, 2011


Crazy how 3 months can zoom on by so quickly, the daily routine of get up, go sweat & water plants, come home each evening to good friends, yummy food and the fast pace of camp life, then hopefully catch a little time with hubby before getting some sleep and doing it all again.   

              Then WHAM! out of nowhere:  

I'm on a 10 day back pack in the Ansel Adams wilderness with 11 new friends;         
A few of my closest friends tie the knot and start brand new seasons of life, triggering memories & much processing;
Camp's over, it's staff banquet & I realize it still hurts a lot to say goodbye;          
One of Chris' and my closest friends moved onto the next stage of life, which is no longer in Bass Lake and our daily lives must change and adapt with excitement for his new adventure, but sadness at the gap in our family;         
A Dual Sport now takes up residence on our porch & Chris has a joy spot & something new to look forward to this fall;
Chris & I finally find ourselves on a much anticipated vacation at Bishop Creek with my family for a week of re-connecting, hiking, fishing, resting and basking in the Glory of an incredible place that means so much to us;
I have a new job! The season at the Nursery has come to a close and today was my 1st day at a new place, with new people and a very new but exciting work environment;
Chris is gone on a 10 day trip to WI with some of his closest friends, I am beyond excited for him and cannot wait to hear of his adventures, but already greatly miss his safe & secure presence at the end of the day;                     
....And we just might have a new member added to our family soon! A four legged, furry one...

At Kelle's Beautiful Wedding with Britt and Ashley!

Alpine Glow at Rutherford lake with Walkabout team

Arco and Pippin's wonderful wedding

A well deserved nap at the end of a busy summer :]

Fishing in Bishop with the fam

At last!! Jenna has to be one of the most patient, steadfast brides I've ever met! Her day was so full of joy and it
was amazing to see her and Brett surrounded by such a crowd of people who love them so very much!

Already at 11 months! What a fantastic year it's been with my best friend :]